Bitcoin, Eter and Solana are likely to see 3 % to 5 % price fluctuations on FOMC average decision

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), the Federal Reserve Monetary Policy Conservative Authority, is scheduled to publish the price review later in the day, as well as growth, inflation and interest rate expectations.
The event that has been widespread is possible to generate the fluctuations of the encryption market, which increases price fluctuations by 3 % to 5 % in Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH) and Solana (Sol). This is the message from Volmex One -day fluctuations indicators are linked to BTC, ETH and Sol.
At 12:30 World time, UTC, the Bitcoin Index for one day (BVIV) indicated annual fluctuations of 63.32 %, equivalent to the expected price of 24 hours by 3.31 %. The daily step is calculated by dividing the annual number on the Spring Root of 365, which is the total number of trading days per year.
Likewise, the indicators of the volatile volatility of the ether and Solana have suggested that price fluctuations 24 hours by 5.25 % and 5.73 %, respectively.
These numbers may be scary for stock or currency traders, but they do not represent a major deviation from the normal in the encryption market. In other words, the Federal Reserve, despite its axis, is unlikely to lead to an immediate fluctuation explosion.
It is widely expected that the central bank will maintain the fixed standard cost of While indicating The end of the prolonged quantitative tightening program. However, the gains in risk assets may be reduced by adjusting a possible stagnation in the summary of economic expectations.×720.jpg?auto=format