News and analysis on encrypted currencies, Blockchain and decentralized financing

Fireblocks added the Blockchain -based foundation platform for coding custody, support for the new Soneium, Blockchain from Sony. Ethereum Layer 2, which was now launched in January, can create a basis for introducing new digital Web3 experiences.
Fireblocks adds its support to Soneium for coding custody services
GrainsBlockchain company for the encryption nurseryHe added support for Soneium, Sony Ethereum 2 layer.
“We are excited to announce that Fireblocks has merged @soneium, and Ethereum Layer-2 Blockchain that was built by Sony Block Solutions Labs, a joint venture between Sony Group Corporation and StartaleGroup. To learn more about Soneium integration, read this article.”
In practice, the new cooperation site Fireblocks and Soneium aims to build the infrastructure of the new WEB3 digital experiments.
In fact, on one side, there is a fire barrier, a coded currency nursery technology with an important customer base, and on the other side there is Soneium, and the new Bolockchain that aims to create a bridge between the traditional internet, or Web2, Web2, Web2, Web2, and. Web 3 emerging.
in After x By Soneium Advertising New Integration, Fireblocks features were listed.
Among other things, Sonium stated this The firblocks portfolio brings the non -guardian MPC technology to applications and reduce complexity. Not only that, Fireblocks applications facades Simplifying the construction of applications on Soneium. For security, Soneium is mentioned Political Engine Which will always be active to protect every treatment with granular controls.
Fireblocks expanded its support to Soneium
Grains It is still increasing The present with encrypted nursery services. Today, the role of Soneium is, but the fire beads are also many large institutions, including major banks.
At the end of June 2023, in fact, Grains Add Its cloud support for bank service worldwide.
Not only that, at that moment, the beads were announced Her partnership Also with giants Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Alibaba Cloud.
In general, his idea has always been to make the MPC wallet solution compatible and developed for each of its customers, whether they were banks or institutions, and also by supporting the cloud giants.
Back back in time, in 2020, revolution It was also to choose Fireblocks to expand its services related to the world of encryption.
The official launch of Soneium in January 2025
Just one month ago, Sony Block solution laboratoriesA subsidiary of Japanese Sony Sony, Declare Soneium Blockchain launch.
Project It has already been announced In August 2024, which led to a test network Sonium MinatoWhich attracted 47 million transactions on 14 million accounts. now, Soneium instead is the official and hierarch Mainnet for Sony Web3 solutions.
Soneium is Layer 2 network of Ethereum is classified by OP Mac. It is a group of software components in which the Optimism Foundation works.
The goal of Soneium is to redefine touch points between fans and digital creators within the complex logic of Blockchain.