Finance News

Kaken signs a record deal between traditional financing and encryption – Ninjatrader is acquired for $ 1.5 billion

American Krakeen Cryptocurrency Exchang You will get the Ninjatrader Futures Trading platform for $ 1.5 billion. This will allow Kraken to expand its operations to cover many asset categories and increase the total number of users. Crypto Exchange currently has 15 million users. In addition, the deal between Kraken and Ninjatrader is one in terms of the record in combining traditional financing and encryption. The deal is expected to be closed in the first half of 2025.

Ninjatrader will continue to work as a separate platform but will be owned by Kraken. Ninjatrader was founded in 2003, providing services to about 2 million merchants. This will enable the exchange of encryption to submit future contracts for encrypted and derivative feelings in the United States, and the trading of encrypted currencies, futures and traditional financial products.

In early March, the US Securities and Stock Exchange Committee (SEC) withdraw A civil lawsuit was filed in 2023. In this, Kraken was accused of illegal commercial activities that could violate securities laws.

Kraken was established in 2011. It ranks tenth in the rating of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in terms of traffic, liquidity, trading sizes and confidence in the legitimacy of the declared trading sizes, according to what it mentioned Coinmarketcap.

source: Corner

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