Mining News

Thailand 63 illegal illegal mining platforms stole more than 327 thousand dollars in electricity

The Central Bureau of the Central Bureau of Bureau of Thailand (CIB) seized 63 illegal mining machines on Friday, according to a report By the nation. Illegal encryption platforms, valued at about 2 million baht ($ 60,000), were found in three abandoned houses in Pathom Second Province.

The officials made a raid after the local population in the region complained of stealing unlimited individuals from the theft of electricity from the columns and manufacturers of the facilities in the region. Local residents suspect that stolen electricity was used for cryptocurrency mining in abandoned buildings.

Exponation mining requires huge amounts of electricity. The authorities estimate that the illegal mining platforms have caused losses of more than 11 million baht (more than 327 million dollars) for the urban power authority.

Unlawful mining platforms have been controlled

Police officials said that alongside mining platforms, they also confiscated three encryption mining control units, three router, three online signals, three modified electricity, a desktop computer, a laptop and a permanent and permanent traffic. No arrests have been made as mining operations are controlled remotely.

However, officials found evidence that the illegal operation had links to a luxurious house in Ram-Andra Soy 65 in the Khan Now area in Bangkok. CIB officials have requested an inspection note to raid the associated residence and locate the leader of the episode and other complicity.

The authorities noted that, in addition to causing damage to the Ministry of Electricity, illegal mining platforms also formed a major fire. This is because the operations used large amounts of energy but have no human monitoring.

Thailand has been afflicted with illegal mining operations

Bitcoin miners are treated as manufacturers in Thailand and are subject to taxes associated with it. However, illegal encryption mining has been a rampant problem in Thailand and Southeast Asia for years.

In a raid conducted in January, the authorities It was seized 996 illegal mining platforms (BTC) from the Nakhoum region in Thailand.

In November 2024, authorities close Nine illegal bitcoin mining farms in the second province of Soor. The farmer estimated that it stole the electricity of about $ 300,000.

Likewise, in August, the authorities Raid The city of West Bangkok and found evidence of illegal encryption mining after the locals complained of power outages.

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