Mining News

The association seeks to fluctuate the Arkansas law, which aims at foreign encryption miners

The Arkansas Association for encryption is sued two Arkasas state officials, on the pretext that they imposed an unconstitutional and discriminatory state base that prohibits foreign -born American citizens from engaging in encryption mining activities, among other things.

The complaint was submitted against the Prolent -Public Prosecutor Tim Griffin and the director of the Arkansas Petroleum and Gas Committee, Lawrence Bengal, on March 13 at the Eastern US District Court in Arkansas.

This follows the decision of the Federal Court last November to temporarily prevent Arkansas from preventing the evaluation An American citizen of Chinese origin From running encryption mining work.

The rules of the state of Arkansas concerned are “Al -Qaeda K” and “ACT 174”, which prohibits the companies controlled by foreign parties in the state.

Director Connor said to. Kimpton from the Arkansas encoding Association that the ambiguity of the base K and ACT 174 gives the defendants to express and Displayal enforcement powers, Enably grant or reject permits according to their discretion.

He said that the Al Qaeda and ACT 174 application is unconstitutional and can be discriminatory based on race, foreigner and national origin, among other things.

Excerpts from ACA complaints filed against Bengal and Griffin. Source: The Court Document reviewed by Cointelegraph

Kimpton indicated that these rules were imposed against Crypting mining company Jones Eagle LLC, run by Qimin “Jimmy” Chen, is homogeneous An American citizen of Chinese origin.

KEMPUTON specifically pointed to the equal protection item in the fourteenth amendment of the American constitution in saying the legitimacy of Al Qaeda K and ACT 174.

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It is prohibited to proverbally protect the American states that any person is equal in the protection of laws based on a person, foreign origin, or national origin.

The Director of encryption mining also argued that Al -Qaeda and ACT 174 experimental American citizens such as Chen are the rights of legal procedures due under the fourteenth amendment.

Kimpton also said that the ban and the penalties imposed under Law 174 violate the authority of the federal government to investigate, review foreign investments and take it on foreign investment.

“Law 174 seeks to create Arkansas’s private foreign policy, and thus intrusions on the exclusive federal government authority for the rule of foreign affairs.”

Local Court Judge Christine J. Baking He said On December 9, Arkansas officials were prevented from imposing law 174 against Jones Eagle until further notice.

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