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Echo.XIZ and KOINBASE ENTERTAGUABLE for conducting funding basic projects

Echo.XIZ and KOINBASE ENTERTAGUABLE for conducting funding basic projects

KOINBASE VENTURES Joined Echo.XIZ, in a chain private investment platform, as a “group leading” to expand funding opportunities for starting a building on the base.

This move is part of the next phase of the basic fund ecosystem, which was created To support the early phases of projects on the base.

The base is a Block Network it has developed Coin to help developers build decentralized applications. These applications work on blockchain technology instead of centralized servers, allowing users to communicate with financial tools and digital means without traditional intermediaries such as banks.

The Ecosystem base fund is launched together with the base to allow capital and resources to teams that develop these applications. Since its launch, the waitress has invested in over 40 projects.

Partnership challenges

Partnership with Echo.XIZ is intended to address two main challenges. First, many basic programs require more financial support to increase their projects. Second, members of the base community want several ways to invest in projects in which they trust.

By connecting ECHO as a group lead, a coincidious endeavor creates a way to connect developers and investors to a blockchain-based platform – essentially give them better access Financing options.

Echo.KIZ is an investment platform that allows qualified investors to finance launch directly through copical transactions. Traditionally, investing to start is limited to great risk companies or rich individuals.

Using chain platforms of investment such as ECHO, the process becomes more transparent and available.

The coinbase endeavor sees it as a way to speed up the growth in the primary ecosystem. More funding It can lead to several projects that run on base, increasing online activities.

2025-03-13 20:06:00

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