Crypto News

The Bank of Russia proposes to enable the purchase of crypto to select investors

The Russian Central Bank considers a new experimental regime for legal authority to choose Russian investors in the Complaints Trade.

12. Marta, Bank of Russia announced Proposal to enable the “limited circle of Russian investors” to buy and sell curivocers such as bitcoin (Btc).

“In accordance with the directions of President of Russia, Bank of Russia sent proposals to the Government for discussion on regulating investment in cryptocurrency,” announcement said.

Proposing for the treatment of crypto trading for investors who have at least 1.1 million dollars from deposits and deposits, suggested that the bank of Russia introduced punishments for cryptic transactions that fall outside the regime.

Pay for Retail Cripto remain strictly forbidden

While taking into account the acceptance of regulatory changes for cryptic investments by rich investors, the Russian central bank repeated that residents were not allowed to solve payments using cryptocurrency.

The Prohibition of use of cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin for Payments In Russia, it was part of the first cryptic law in the country “, on digital financial assets”, which entered into force in January 2021. year in the new proposal, the Central Bank has written:

“The bank of Russia still does not consider cryptocurious as a means of payment. It is therefore proposing that the ban on the settlement between the residents on the creptocurrency transactions, as well as the determination of responsibility for violating the ban.”

This is a development story and additional information will be added as it becomes available.