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PRO-TRUMP TEHIJE that has been resolved by the CRIPTO Reserve plan, causing early diverse

David Sacks, American President Donald Trump’s “AI and Crupto Czar” speaks President Trump because he signs a series of executive orders at the White House’s Oval Office 23. January 2025. in Washington, DC.

Anna Moneimaker | Getti images

Trump-Tech Alliance shows his first real sign of trouble. And that’s because of the CRIPT.

President Donald Trump counts on CRIPTO EKECS and investors for its cloak 2024 Campaign Funds. He promised to be conveniently rewarded if they choose regulatory grates and turning US in “Cripto Capital of the Planet and Bitcoin Supersila of the world. “

The president went on a quick start, signed an executable Calling to establish a Digital Property Working Group and pardon Similar path Creator Ross Ulbricht. Too discarded his year a long probe in Coin.

Although these moves originate the loudest techniques supported by Trump’s candidacy, during the weekend, the president has exaggerated before a break in advance. In the post of the truth Social Sunday, the trump announced Creating strategic cryptic reserve For now, only Bitcoin, but also several other digital currencies – ether, XRPSolana’s Salt Token and Cardano’s Ada.

The flow of the Krupto-potkovaka wanted a strategic Bitcoin Reserve Trump. Such a move would involve money to buy Bitcoin, which are crypto enthusiasts, and crypto enthusiasts as a smart way of scheduling the capital in a decentralized currency that is an alternative to hardness. As CEO for Coins Brian Armstrong wrote On X, Bitcoin offers a “clear story as a successor to gold.”

Crossing across the bitcoin, critics would like Trump to use the taxpayer money to buy much risky assets that has an unproven value and has the potential to strengthen net worth of selected net investors who possess coins. This is all more problematic to those who want to hire government consumption by trillia dollars, in support Elon Musk’s Mission to reduce costs at the so-called Government efficiency department.

“The tax is theft,” Joe Lonsdale wrote, the founder of the endeavored company 8VC and the fans of the Vocal Trump, in a Mail to K. “It should be held a minimum. It is wrong to steal my money for dead on the left; it is also a wrong tax on me for a cripto bro schema bro.”

David bags, a risky capitalist who was eavesdrop Trump’s “White House AI and Crupto Czar”, took the exception from Lonsdale’s comment, suggesting that it was premature to skip to any conclusions. Sacks and Lonsdale are part of the same conservative circle in the technology world, with musk and Petrovo Thiel in the center.

“Nobody announced a tax or consumption program”, bags wroteReply to Lonsdale Post. “Maybe you should wait to discover what actually suggests.”

White house did not answer the comment request.

Trump announces US strategic CRIPTO reserve, including Bitcoin, Solana, XRP and more

But Lonsdale was far from himself.

Naval Ravikant, long-term technological investor and early evangelist Cripto, wrote After the announcement that, the “US taxpayer should not be published for liquidity for cryptocurrencies that are only decentralized in the name.” And Vinni Lingham, creator BlocCchain Startup Civic and Big Cripto influence, wrote“Call me old-fashioned, but I don’t think the government is to pump our crypt’s bags with taxpayers, while we take a pop-up deficit in the amount of $ 2trn.”

Agreement throughout the industry

The main trump of fans and a great name in Cript join choruses on Monday. Bitcoin Investor Bitcoin Tyler Vinklevoss, who wrote before choosing in November to vote for Trumps “If you care about the future of Cripto, free speech, justice, and democracy,” said President of the CRIPTO Reserve Plan.

“I have nothing against XRP, salt or ade, but I don’t think they are suitable for strategic reserve” “Vinkusoss wrote. “Only one digital property in the world is currently meeting with a bar and that the digital means is essential.”

David Marcus, former Facebook Facebook Facebook Facebook project, suggested that most of their peers in the CRIPTO community have the same view.

“Most – if not, non-conflict leaders industry agree on that,” Marcus wrote, in Reposting Vinklevoss’ comment.

Marcus, who is now Executive Director for Payment of the Startepspark infrastructure, declared in July That he “crossed the Rubicon” and transferred his support to the corpse and beyond the Democrats.

Anthony swerved, a loud protective voice in a cropto investment, committed over 1,500 words in his newsletter Monday to topic. He says Trump is ready to propose the agenda of the purchase of risky tokens on behalf of the US, because wrong people came to him.

“We watched the CRIPTO projects, lobbyists and special interest groups to decide the President of the United States,” he wrote sweat. “They told the president that any reserve regarding the cry should hold the tokens that were” made in America “. This tonyone was the perfect president’s trap, which was the first agenda on America.”

Some of the anger online was directed especially in bags, which overdoed different cryptocurries as a VC before joining the Trump administration, and whose company, craft venture, investor in the CRIPTO index fund, Mistriculously.

The cartoon images of the American president of the selected Donald Trump with the signs of cryptocurrency, shown in front of the White House to mark his inauguration, shown in Koinherone store in Hong Kong, China, on Monday, 20. January 2025.

Paul Yeung | Bloomberg | Getti images

Bags wrote in a Mail to K That he sold all his crypt, including Bitcoin, Etrian and Sol, before taking his new role and “will provide an update at the end of the ethical process.”

Until late afternoon Monday, Cripto prices set up a dramatic turnaround From her weekend at the rally that followed the accident of Trump. Bitcoin fell about 9%, while Ether Slid is 15%. XRP and salt are even more fell.

Surchases appeared to confirm the President Trump about the upcoming tariffs, which took risky property over the board and Nejaddak sent almost 3% at the end of trading.

There were some votes in the Cripto that were less willing to put the Trump backup plan publicly.

Michael Sailor, President StrategyWho effectively appeared as Proxy for Bitcoin for approximately $ 43 billion, he said on Monday CNBC that he was not surprised for the decision trends to include additional cryptocurrency.

“There’s no way this interpreted from this is Bilcoin and Bikov for the entire American crypt industry,” Sailor said. “I believe the best thing for the country is to move forward with an enlightened progressive policy toward digital property.”

Jonathan Jachim, the Global Head of the Government in Kraken, said CNBC that CNBC was “encouraged by CRIPTO to see that announcement” and shows that the president “remains faithful for obligations”.

Even among the skeptics, it seems that Trump does not loses wider support to its agenda only because of this announcement. Backers like Lonsdale quickly ask about other things, complimenting the actions taken by the Minister of Defense of Pete Hegsette and Trump for pressure on Mexican cartels for medication.

But who only comes six weeks in Trump’s second application, the reaction shows how fast a reluctant machine can be activated when the proposal touches the nerve of the critical group of supporters touches the proposal. Discussion adds interest in Friday Friday on Friday, when investors are eagerly waiting for more detail.

As the bags wrote 2. Marta, in his the first post o Announcement of strategic reserves, “more for coming at the summit”.

Watch: We need ‘enlightened, progressive’ crypt’s policy

Digital funds are pose to $ 100 million for the US, Michael Sailor says

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2025-03-04 14:00:00

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