Bitcoin invests spreads in Costa Rica with new BN Fondos ETF

In Central America, BN Fondos launched the first investment funds Bitcoin and S & P 500 focused in Central America, positioned as a pioneer in the financial sector of the region.
BN ETF 500 and BN ETF Bitcoin Offer investors opportunity to diversify their portfolio with the exposure to global markets through Commercial funds.
“These funds not only represent an attractive possibility of investment, but are a crucial step towards digitization,” said Pables of De father, General Manager BN Fondos. “Our commitment is to offer innovative products that benefit our clients and encourage new generations to invest”, according to dolphin.
Bitcoin and S & P 500 exposure
BN ETF 500 is designed for long-term investors looking for exposure to S & P 500, index that accompanies the 500 largest public traded companies in the USA
It allows costary investors to access a wide market portfolio without the need to manage individual inventories. The fund also contains any output fees, allowing flexible investment management.
BN ETF Bitcoin provides exposure to Bitcoin (Btc) Through ETFS, allowing investors to participate in the crypto market without directing digital property.
Liquidity management, the Fund can also invest in American securities in America and Costa Rica, denominated in US dollars.
By starting this Fondos Funds, it aims to bridge the gap between traditional financial and digital funds, allowing innovative investment products more accessible. Currently Costa Rica Rani 92 of 155 countries in global adoption of the CRIPTO, in accordance with the Charanisis Index ‘2023.
2025-02-21 20:24:00