BlockChain News

The Blockchain Story Protocol, which focuses on IP-TRADINGVIEW News

Welcome to the protocol, the weekly conclusion of Coindsk for the most important stories in the development of encrypted technology. I am Margaux Nijkerk, Ethereum correspondent in Coindsk, filling Ben Schiller.

In this case:

The story protocol is launched to allow people to register IP and get money for that

Ethereum developers issue a new initiative to simplify the transactions across the series

Ethereum L1 MONAD joins the DEFI Boost Organized Network

How to become a more investor -seated head in Crypto

Network news

The story protocol goes on the air: The Blockchain story protocol fired on the property and the associated IP symbol last week. Blockchain is placed as the “Intellectual Property Network in the World”, providing users with a way to record their IP address and follow how others use it. The distinctive symbol “$ IP”, which was announced earlier this month, is used for transactions and provides users voting in the statute’s system governance. To date, it seems that the IP focuses on the IP has legs – at least with investors. PIP LABS, the primary developer of the series, collected $ 80 million in a series of financing B series led by Andressen Horowitz (A16Z), up to the total project financing to $ 140 million. PIP has sought to put a story at the Blockchain intersection and artificial intelligence, which is a way for people to track the data used and restore it to train artificial intelligence models. The MainNET story is accompanied by the first opening event for the IP code that was just announced. “The story opens 25 % of IP 1 billion dollars, with 58.4 % dedicated to the ecosystems, society, basis, and primary incentives,” according to the project. – Sam Kisler read more.

ETHEREUM developers released a new open framework: a group of senior developers and ETHEREUM leaders on Wednesday with a new framework that simplifies and unifies the distinctive code transfers across the chain.

This initiative, called Open Intents (OIF), was launched by the shareholders from the ETHEREUM Foundation and supported by 25 projects, including the teams that build class 2 such as arbitration and optimism, zksync and scroll, according to a joint press statement with Coindsk the goal of the initiative is Bring “intentions” to all corners of the ecosystem Ethereum, a technological feature that allows Blockchain a user achieves a specific goal through a mediator claim to achieve this goal (such as trade or treatment they want to do.) There are some criteria that are already trying to make cross transactions easier to use standards. ERC-7683, which was presented by the team behind the Uiswap and protocol via, is one of those standards that revolve in the recent ETAREUM space, and it is supposed to address retail and allow more chains in the ETHEREUM ECOSYSTEM system, but the OIF team claims to be Sibnion on this standard through the framework Their work allows to work on a scale wide. The press statement said: “By providing joint infrastructure and coordination of implementation, OIF makes transactions based on intent without permission, effective, and can be accessed for all projects.” – Margaux Nijkerk Read more.

Monad and Orderly Joingres: Monad, a ethereum virtual Machine (EVM) Layer-1 is about to launch Testnet, joined the organized network, which is a basic structure for the stock exchange (DeX) that supports a group of other chains, with the spread of platforms. Its networks are wide in anticipation of the second decentralized finance (Defi). On Wednesday, Monad Testnet will provide merchants on Wednesday, a construction site that is quickly compatible with EVM and the possibility of Airroprops on L1. The Orderly’s 20 -year -old or so includes Wintermute, Selini and Riverside, according to a press statement. Companies in the decentralized trade industry, which include major exchanges such as Coinbase (COIN), hopes to increase the activity of Defi in the coming months as friendly management of President Donald Trump gives Crypto Tailwind organizational. Defi’s first summer, in 2020, came hot in the wake of the discounts in the interest rate in the Federal Reserve in response to Covid’s outbreak. Organized, it already provides users with a shared orders notebook across many Blockchains, including expression, optimism, ribs, base, coffee and relative. – Ian Alison Read more.

Trump – the most investor in Crypto?: Crypto is not different from politics. According to Rushi Manche, Founder Movement Company Movement, “Crypto is an interest game.” It is appropriate, then, that Donald Trump – the master of everything – is at home to sell memewings. But not only the Trump inner circle that managed to benefit from its encrypted projects, which includes the $ Trump and World Liberty Financial. Once the voice encryption is skeptical, the president became the biggest “lead leader” in the industry – or KOL, in the Blockchain language: a merchant who watches his wallet closely by other investors who decide what to buy and sell. Trump’s invasion of Crypto has created a new book for ambitious symbolic sellers such as Manche- Blocchain founders who realize the code pumping a simple symbol like the President’s Check Porter. The main car for Blockchain trades is World Liberty Financial (WLFI), a Defi financing project declared with his children during the summer. After accumulating more than $ 400 million by selling a symbolic symbol, the company, which has no product yet, built a wallet containing millions of dollars in the assets of other encryption projects. On Wednesday, it announced that it would launch an official “strategic reserve” for Crypto investments. Trading has already sparked serious concerns about conflict of interests, dealing from within, and the nature of how the effect on the area of ​​digital assets is used. Trump’s opponents call on politicians to investigate his growing empire. But encryption founders such as Manche see the World’s Crypto investments as a different thing: one time marketing opportunity in the generation. “You need to get a road map for a logical product,” said Manch. “But you also need to get a strategy for your symbol.” What is the best way to enhance the price of encoded currency from publicly linked to the leader of the free world? – Sam Kisler read more.

In other news

The co -author of Libra Tokeen claimed that he paid the sister of Argentine President Millie: It was not clear whether any money was exchanged between the Davis and the Interior Ministry before the launch of the scale. Danny Nelson reports.

Will the Argentine President Millie be encoded as a death of Memecoin Craze? .

Organization and Politics: ETORO secures a MICA license from Cyprus to provide encryption services throughout the European Economic Zone.


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