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ESMA seeks feedback on proposed standards Competence for CRIPTO service providers

ESMA seeks feedback on proposed standards Competence for CRIPTO service providers

European administrations for securities and markets require public feedback on proposed knowledge standards and competencies for CRIPTO services.

At 17. February Consultative paperEsma sets new rules that demanded the CRIPTO service providers to ensure that their staff has real qualifications and training to provide advice or information on the crypt of public property.

This is this goal that the regulator wants to “provide a minimal level of knowledge and competence of the Council and information” Deferring investor protection measures and encourage confidence in the market of the European Union in the Crypto-Function Regulation.

According to the proposed rules, the cratted firms must ensure that their staff meets the standards of knowledge, with advisors needed for formal education, supervised experience and forward an assessment before bought advice.

Those who provide general information must meet at least 80 hours of training and six months of supervised experience, while advisor needs three-year smoke or equivalent experience. The staff must also pass the annual competencies and constant professional development, with 10 hours training for information providers and 20 hours for advisors.

In addition, the service providers for the CRIPTO will need to document staff qualifications, regularly assess the efficiency of training and ensure that automated advisory services meet this standards. In the meantime, new engagements without the necessary qualification would be able to oversee a maximum of four years.

Given the “instability of many cryptic funds”, continuous creation of new funds and “limited knowledge of market participants”, a regulator sees famous and competent services services as client insurance key to obtain “appropriate levels by” knowledge and Competence “and these companies” act in the best interests of clients, “paper said.

Stakeholders have up to 22. April 2025 years to submit their feedback on proposed guidelines. Esma is expected to finalize the rules in the third quarter of 2025. years, and new requirements are expected to enter into force 60 days after publication in all official languages ​​of the EU.

Consultative paper comes while the CRIPTO companies are looking for Mića licenses, marking the first comprehensive comprehension of the European Union Regulatory framework For the sector. Already has several firms Secured approval As Member States are implementing the conditions of regulation.

Last month, Singapore fastened Mica license in Malta, just a few days after the reception of temporary approval. On the same day, Bitpanda obtained His license for Mića German Federal Financial Supervisory Surveillance.

2025-02-18 11:17:00

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