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Argentina President of Meile Facial Firana Note After Cripto Crash

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The President of Argentina Javier Miley faced charges of fraud after promotional function media on cryptocurrency that quickly descended.

Lawyers submitted charges in a criminal court on Sunday, stating false activities related to Miley promotion \ $ Vaga Coin. The president’s post-erased post on X (Twitter) cryptocurstiness as a means of “encouraging economic growth by financing small businesses and launches”.

Just a few hours after Miley’s approval, the value of \ $ labila has collapsed, leaving investors with significant losses, in accordance with the SiteLing Site Stegner for monitoring. Coins, developed by the company Web3 KIP Protocol and Haiden Davis, was available through user connections to the link on the website called The website name echoes a phrase that often uses Miley in their speeches and network communications.

On Saturday, the President’s office said that Miley was not involved in any phase of cryptocurrency and decided to remove the function to avoid speculation and limited further exposure, after the public reaction to the project launch.

Miley said he was not aware of the development of currency and chose to delete his social media posts after more learning

Miley said he was not aware of the development of currency and chose to delete his social media posts after more learning (Apply)

Jonathan Baldiviezo, lawyer and one of the plaintiffs, said the AP that they saw illegal association to commit a “unspecified number of frauds” in episodes. “Within this illegal association, crime of cheats was committed, in which the presidents were important,” he said.

Baldiviezo signed a petition from Marcos Zelaia, to another lawyer; MARIA EVA COUTSOVITIS ENGINEER; And economist Claudio Lausano, who chaired the Argentine Central Bank during the administration of the former President Alberto Fernandez. Criminal justice It is expected to assign a judge of the case or send it to the prosecutor for further investigation on Monday.

Prosecutors saw the operation known in Miley’s action in the cryptou world as a “mat”. This happens when the developer launches an attractive token for inserting investors, but later leaves it after the funds become overpriced, making the tokens worthless. Baldiviezo also added that Miley violated the Law on Public Ethics.

“The President shared a post on his personal accounts that announce the launch of the Protocol Statue project, because it works with many entrepreneurs who want to launch projects Argentina In order to create jobs and attract investment, “said the president’s office.

After deleting the mail, Miley was on X said he was not aware of the currency development and blamed his political opponents for an affiliation of episode exploitation. “I wasn’t familiar with the details of the project, and after I was informed, I decided not to get it to promote it (I deleted Tweet),” he said.

The President’s office said he would immediately be included in the Anti-Corruption Office in the country, which would act under the executive. The administration also admitted that Miley and members of his administration recently met with representatives of the KJI protocol in the Presidential Office.

“All information gathered in the investigation will be submitted to the judiciary to determine whether any of the company or individuals related to the KJI protocol project committed a crime,” Miley Administration said on Saturday.

Haiden Mark Davis, one of the representatives of the statue of the protocols met with Milei, blamed the president of the collapse cryptocurrency in the video published on their social media on Saturday.

“Despite previous obligations, Miley and his team unexpectedly changed his position, pulling his support and deleting all previous social media posts,” Davis said.

2025-02-17 15:50:00

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