3 reasons make the stock of various digital assets in the United States logically

Diversification on the table as the United States is preparing for a possible strategic store for encryption
In the wake of the long -awaited executive order regarding the encryption policy and investments issued by the Trump administration, one side of the regime caused mixed feelings between the encryption community. In one statement, in reference to the next research to the creation of digital asset stocks, the expected executive order has created a division line in the encryption community. On the one side of the gap, there is the maximum amount of bitcoin, who have constantly called for the only blades worth looking, investing or attention are Bitcoin, except for all others. The opposition perspective in this case are members of the encryption community who argue that although Bitcoin is definitely a pioneer, dominant and strong encrypted, another encryption deserves in any federal fund or at the state level.
Instead of repeating the same arguments and discussions that occurred for years, whether on social media or personal, it seems better to use time to study the reason for the existence of a diverse federal digital assets from a strategic and political perspective. Although the first days of this discussion, the efforts of Senator Lomes and others lead to the creation of the Bitcoin Strategic Reserve, the truth remains on the table.
The inventory must be strategic
As much as the Bitco Maximalist community may want to focus on any strategic reserves or stock Exclusively on bitcoin The fact is that any decision must be taken by the United States in A. Method of size and strategy. Simply announce that the United States will buy Bitcoin actively immediately, will send shock waves across the market, increase fluctuations in encryption and other financial assets, and make sure to cause economic and social socio -economic repercussions. In short, why should the American federal government choose Bitcoin as an individual winner in the coil -coded area over all others?
In addition to avoiding the impact of crowding, fluctuations and accusations on favorite play (encryption compression groups spent approximately $ 130 million in the last session), there is another reason that makes the inclusion of non -petition logical. Although Bitcoin definitely proved that it is stronger, studded, and valuable codes since its inception, the rapid height of AI is likely to change this scene. As a merger Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain It continues to accelerate, whether it focuses on ChatGPT, Deepseek or some unannounced options, the Crypto that AI drives can rise to the forefront.
Maintaining options is open at this early stage of discussions is wise, and allows more flexibility with the development of market conditions.
The state level efforts can focus on bitcoin
Another reason calling for news that federal efforts may follow a more diverse approach that should not be received by global negativity is that other endeavors continue to focus exclusively on Bitcoin. While the language specified in the bills in The level of the individual state There are multiple cases of cases specifically indicating the intention to create a strategic bitcoin reserve. Recently, prominent counterparts of this, the states of North Dakota and Utah, with them, with them 12 and 15 Other countries that transmit legislation forward (in different stages) revolve around digital asset stocks.
Wi -mang serves An example Regarding the authority of individual countries to move faster than the federal government over Blockchain implementation and distinctive financial tools. To date, Wyoming is a pioneer in legislation related to the use of Blockchain in business, and is a pioneer in the use of DAOS for work purposes, in the midst of mining and a dollar backed and backed by dollars A stable symbol confiscated the stateIt is another country that has launched legislation to create a strategic bitcoin reserves at the state level.
As is always the case, smart leadership, increasing the privacy of trend, and implementing possible in the state is federal than the federal level, with the delegation of the broad national policy to policy makers in the capital
Stablecoins is supported
One of the most controversial aspects of encryption talks, including aspects related to the executive order, which occurs in the capital is the support and purchase obtained among policy makers. The maximum amount of bitcoin, in addition to other members of the encryption community, pointed to many aspects of Ripple (and XRP) that make it a bad occasion for strategic digital asset stocks. The differences in opinion between XRP and Bitcoin camps have become enlarged as efforts to pressure and joint stock dollars, and potential upward treatment (or excluding them) from the stock of American digital assets to newspaper addresses. Brad Garlinghyus, CEO of Ripple, promoted the central options of the United States for ripples, as well as describing the dollar -backed nature of the XRP code.
In taking a step back, it is connected to the XRP insertion in the digital assets conversation directly on the first point mentioned above; Any such step by the United States needs a strategic manner. STABLECOINS is supported by dollarsAnd the symbol of transactions in dollars, is increasingly an important part of maintaining the dollar’s dollar on a global scale. Circle and USDC (for the larger part) was received by the organizers, so it is completely logical that-at the federal level-American policy makers will seek to promote the United States of dollar-backed symbols. These dollar -backed symbols are also the most likely path towards the encryption dollars that are used as a method of exchange, a decisive step that has not yet occurred with Bitcoin.
The stock of American digital assets is on its way until it becomes a reality, and although its composition will not leave any members of the encryption community completely happy, it will leave the United States with flexibility and purchase to increase the care of the environmental encryption system.